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Do you have an iPhone? Now is the time to take advantage of this new WhatsApp feature; here's how to do so.

9/17/2021 11:22:40 AMVisitors: 1080

WhatsApp multi-device support has reportedly started rolling out to iPhone users, marking the first time the company has allowed iOS users to link multiple computers to their WhatsApp number without being a beta tester. While WhatsApp multi-device support is still in beta, users on the stable channel can now try it out. Here's everything you need to know about WhatsApp's multi-device support for iPhone users, which is now available.

WhatsApp multi-device support has reportedly begun rolling out to iPhone users, marking the first time that the company has begun allowing iOS users to link multiple computers to their WhatsApp number, without being part of the company’s beta test. While the company is still beta testing the WhatsApp multi-device support, users on the stable channel can now try out the feature as well. Here’s everything you need to know about the WhatsApp multi-device support now rolling out to iPhone users.

WhatsApp multi-device support has reportedly begun rolling out to iPhone users, marking the first time that the company has begun allowing iOS users to link multiple computers to their WhatsApp number, without being part of the company’s beta test. While the company is still beta testing the WhatsApp multi-device support, users on the stable channel can now try out the feature as well. Here’s everything you need to know about the WhatsApp multi-device support now rolling out to iPhone users.

According to XDA, users who have updated to WhatsApp version on their iPhone from the App Store, should be able to see the new option to use WhatsApp multiple devices support, via the “Multi-Device Beta” setting in the Linked Devices page which can be joined and left at any time. Users can also tap on any linked device to log out of that device. If you have updated your WhatsApp app on iOS to the latest version mentioned above, you can follow these steps to enable the feature on your device.

Step 1) Check your WhatsApp version to verify you have version or newer.

Step 2) Go to the Settings tab at the bottom of your screen and look for a setting called Linked Devices.

Step 3) Look for a setting on the Linked Devices section called ‘Multi-Device Beta” and then join the beta test. This will not enrol you for the WhatsApp beta, only the multi-device beta will be enabled.

Step 4) You will be forced out of your existing WhatsApp session so the app can set up the new multi-device functionality. Once you log in again, you can use the app even when your phone is switched off.

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