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Google Has a Clever New Feature For Instant Documents

10/30/2018 10:47:46 AMVisitors: 1668

<p>Tech innovation can come in the form of massive breakthroughs like driverless cars, but more often it comes as small features that make our lives easier and more productive. A new <strong>Google Docs </strong>invention falls in the latter category&mdash;but it&rsquo;s pretty sweet all the same.</p> <p>The feature lets you skip the tiresome process of starting a new document by going to <strong>Google Drive</strong>, selecting &ldquo;new&rdquo; and then specifying whether you want a new Doc, spreadsheet, or slide.</p> <p>Now, you can simply type &ldquo;; into your browser and, voila, the document is teed up and ready for you to type. Likewise, you can type &ldquo;; or &ldquo;; if you want to begin a new spreadsheet or slide respectively.</p> <p><strong>Google Docs</strong> announced the feature on Twitter late last week:</p> <p>The new productivity trick is possible thanks to Google&rsquo;s decision several years back to purchase a batch of so-called top level domains, including the &ldquo;.new&rdquo; one, which the company has apparently dedicated to instant document creation.</p> <p><strong>Google </strong>has also configured the tool in a way that users can type in a variety of phrases&mdash;for instance &ldquo;; or &ldquo;; or &ldquo;;&mdash;to call up a document. (Obviously, a user requires a Google account for this to work).</p> <p>As <strong>TechCrunch </strong>notes, users are already asking <strong>Google </strong>to create more shortcuts such as &ldquo;; and &ldquo;; It seems likely the company will expand its offerings in coming months.</p> <p>The &ldquo;new&rdquo; feature is not a technology that will change the world but still offers a welcome way to boost productivity by 10 or 20 seconds every day.</p> <p>Google first launched <strong>Google Docs</strong> as a test feature in 2006 and has since expanded the product significantly. In recent years, the service has begun to challenge the all-powerful <strong>Microsoft Office suite</strong> as a mainstay of enterprise software.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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