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Dofollow Links and Nofollow Links Comparison

3/2/2017 2:34:49 PMVisitors: 2727

Dofollow Link Vs Nofollow Link

Dofollow Link is a hyperlink that isable to tell all search engines to pass along it’s page rank influence to anoutbound link However, Nofollow Link is exactly the opposite. It is a hyperlinkthat removes the ability to pass on it’s page rank status to other sites.

A dofollow link will pass the SEOstrength, or "PageRank" of the page to the site that it links to. Anofollow link, in theory, will not do this. That's the main difference between the two.

By that logic, you may assume that anofollow link will not help you rank for a keyword, but I don't think this iscompletely the case.  Having a link toyour site in any capacity may improve the "authoritativeness" of yoursite.

dofollow links pass "SEOJuice". nofollow links do not pass "SEO Juice".


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