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Image Optimization

2/15/2017 4:18:25 PMVisitors: 2053

How to Optimize Your Image for SEO

Let’s focus on some of the key steps which you can take to optimize your website images:


Name Images Properly

When it comes to search engine optimization, using keywords in the image name helps optimization. Create a descriptive keyword rich name. Search engine not only crawls your content but they also search for image file names. We suggest you to use maximum 3-5 words in your image name.

For example if your image is about Banner, then your image file name shouldn’t be like 1.jpg, but it should be banner.jpg.


Avoid Abbreviation

No matter, what your product or business is all about, avoid any kind of abbreviation. For example, don’t use PS for payment solutions, instead use complete name payment solutions. Combine all the elements together and use dash or underscore (- or _) only to separate keywords.


Consistent Naming

Always make a format to name multiple images in a single way. Don’t and mind it never name a single image in multiple formats. For example, if you have an image called “sms-invocing-payment-solutions.jpg”, you don’t want others to name it as “sms-invoice-pay-tools.jpg”.

Google crawlers won’t accept multiple formats for single type image. Multiple names for the same image also becomes complex to manage when you use it often.


Alt Text Attributes

Alt text is added to image when your image isn’t loaded for any reason. Perhaps because the users have turned off images in their browser, or they are using screen reader, the alt text functionality ensures that critical information is not lost. 

Google includes alt text as the key ranking factor while optimizing images. Vary your alt text for multiple sizes for same image.


Fill Details

Fill important details such as image titles, captions and anchor texts. Image title is displayed when you hover over an image over website. On the other hand, caption text is visible on your website page. Use some of the keywords in your caption text. Remember that every aspect of image optimization should have a unique keyword density.

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