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New Google Data Studio, the Perfect Companion to Google Analytics

8/29/2016 3:55:35 PMVisitors: 2660

Google Data Studio (beta) gives all that you have to transform your information into excellent, useful reports your entire group will love.

Google Data Studio is another information representation item that incorporates information over different Google items and other information sources ― transforming it into lovely, intuitive reports and dashboards with inherent continuous joint effort.

Information Studio interfaces straightforwardly to all your key information sources giving access that is both immediate and element. You'll invest more energy utilizing information instead of attempting to get to the information you require. What's more, it's generally a la mode.

●Connect to Google Analytics, AdWords and other information sources easily

●Unify information from various Analytics records and perspectives into the same report

●Customize wonderful, custom-made reports for the look and feel of your association

●Share just the information you need to impart to particular people or gatherings of clients

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